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Is Kemba Walker Worthy of His Perch? A Closer Look at the MVP Race

Kemba Walker

With the quarter pole of the NBA season upon us, it’s time to evaluate the players and teams that have stood out so far. This evaluation process will be reflected in the upcoming edition of the Kia Race to the MVP Ladder on December 6th.

Young talents like Luka Doncic and Pascal Siakam have proven their worth and silenced any doubts about their hot starts. The absence of superstars like Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry has also opened up opportunities for new faces to shine.

One player making a compelling case for the MVP title is James Harden. He is on track for his third consecutive scoring title, a feat achieved only by Michael Jordan and Durant. Giannis Antetokounmpo and Carmelo Anthony have also made significant impacts, winning the Eastern and Western Conference Players of the Week honors, respectively.

In this edition of the Kia MVP Ladder mailbag, we address some of the questions and comments from our readers. Let’s dive in and explore their perspectives.


Numbers Can Lie

From: Rosemary Filou
Nov. 29, 2019 | 11:18 a.m.

Rosemary points out that Kemba Walker’s high ranking on the MVP ladder doesn’t necessarily reflect his superiority over other players. She argues that Bradley Beal, despite playing on a losing team, has better statistics in several categories than Walker. While Rosemary raises a valid point, the MVP ladder is more than just raw numbers. The rankings consider a player’s overall impact on a team’s success, which goes beyond individual statistics.

The Case for Giannis

From: Giorgos
Nov. 29, 2019 | 4:47 p.m.

Giorgos appreciates the analysis behind the MVP ladder rankings and shares his perspective on the importance of the top three front-runners. He believes that the MVP award almost always goes to one of these top three players. Giorgos also argues that Giannis Antetokounmpo deserves the MVP title because of his ability to elevate his teammates to an All-Star level. He mentions that this feat becomes even more impressive when considering that the teammate in question is not Khris Middleton.

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Luka over LeBron?

From: Noah James
Nov. 29, 2019 | 9:23 p.m.

Noah believes that Luka Doncic should be ranked higher than LeBron James on the MVP ladder. He suggests that Luka’s statistics and impact on the game outweigh LeBron’s contributions to the Lakers. Noah acknowledges Anthony Davis as a talented player who supports LeBron, but argues that Luka carries a heavier load for the Dallas Mavericks.

Are You Really Watching?

From: Patrick Moran
Dec. 1, 2019 | 2:57 a.m.

Patrick expresses his concerns about the accuracy of the MVP ladder rankings and questions whether the author is truly watching NBA games. Rest assured, Patrick, the author is an avid fan who watches as many games as possible. The rankings are carefully crafted based on observations and analysis.

Winning Matters Most… Right?

From: Akhila Vila
Nov. 30, 2019 | 11:54 p.m.

Akhila acknowledges the importance of team success in the MVP race but disagrees with the emphasis placed on winning. She argues that Boston’s record, despite being one of the best in the league, should not determine Kemba Walker’s ranking above other players. Akhila believes that James Harden’s individual performance and impact on the Houston Rockets should be recognized, regardless of the team’s record.

Kemba vs. Luka

From: David Mirc
Nov. 30, 2019 | 1:19 a.m.

David enjoys reading the weekly MVP ladder but struggles to agree with Kemba Walker being ranked higher than Luka Doncic. He points out the difference in statistics between the two players, highlighting Luka’s near triple-double average and his crucial role in the Mavericks’ success. David suggests that Kemba’s supporting cast makes his numbers less impressive in comparison. While David raises a valid point, it’s important to consider the context and the different responsibilities each player has within their respective teams.

No Agenda Here

From: Nick Kopke
Nov. 30, 2019 | 6:36 p.m.

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Nick challenges the MVP ladder rankings, questioning the motives behind Kemba Walker’s high placement. He suggests that ranking Walker above Luka Doncic implies a hidden agenda. Rest assured, Nick, there is no agenda. The rankings are based on careful evaluation and analysis of each player’s performance.

That’s a New One…

From: Milos Visnjic
Dec. 1, 2019 | 1:06 a.m.

Milos disagrees with the MVP ladder rankings and expresses his dissatisfaction with the selection of players like Kemba Walker. He suggests that the rankings ignore the statistical dominance of players like Luka Doncic and James Harden. Milos believes that the selections are irrational and do not reflect the reality of the NBA. Remember, Milos, the rankings take into account several factors, and individual statistics are just one aspect of the evaluation.


LeBron over Davis?

From: Eliezer Garcia
Nov. 29, 2019 | 1:55 p.m.

Eliezer questions the ranking of LeBron James above Anthony Davis on the MVP ladder. He believes that Davis has outperformed LeBron in most statistical categories and suggests that Davis should be higher on the list. While Eliezer’s argument holds merit, the rankings also consider the impact a player has on the team’s overall success. In this case, LeBron’s role for the Lakers is considered more significant.

Overstating Harden’s Value a Bit?

From: Javi Dent
Nov. 29, 2019 | 3:01 p.m.

Javi believes that the MVP ladder should reflect the true value of players. He argues that removing James Harden from the Rockets’ roster would significantly impact their performance. While Javi’s point is valid, he underestimates the abilities of other players, such as Russell Westbrook, to step up and contribute to the team’s success.

Some Clarity, Please

From: Max Steves
Dec. 1, 2019 | 12:04 a.m.

Max seeks clarification on James Harden’s MVP candidacy. He questions whether Harden’s offensive abilities alone make him a true MVP, considering his limited passing skills and lack of team contribution. While Max’s concerns are understandable, the ability to create and score points is a significant aspect of the MVP race. Harden’s offensive prowess sets him apart from other players in the league.

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Inquiring Minds Want to Know

From: Daniel Fripp
Dec. 1, 2019 | 6:25 p.m.

Daniel eagerly anticipates the next MVP ladder rankings. He wonders if Luka Doncic will claim the top spot this week. To find out, stay tuned for the upcoming edition of the Kia Race to the MVP Ladder.

Got MVP thoughts? Send them to Sekou via email or social media. Your feedback is always appreciated.

Sekou Smith is a seasoned NBA reporter and analyst. You can stay updated with his analysis and thoughts on NBA TV and his social media platforms.

Please note that the views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of the NBA, its teams, or Turner Broadcasting Company.


Can you provide an example of the top three front-runners for the MVP title?

Sure! The current top three front-runners for the MVP title are Giannis Antetokounmpo, Luka Doncic, and LeBron James.

How are the rankings in the MVP ladder determined?

The rankings in the MVP ladder are based on a player’s overall impact on their team’s success, taking into account factors such as individual statistics, team performance, and the player’s influence on the game.

Why is winning considered important in the MVP race?

Winning is an important factor in the MVP race because a player’s impact on their team’s success is a significant indicator of their value and contribution. While individual statistics are important, they are not the sole determining factor for the MVP title.


In this article, we analyzed the current state of the MVP race and addressed questions and comments from our readers. We explored different perspectives on the rankings and highlighted the importance of considering various factors beyond individual statistics. The MVP ladder rankings aim to capture the overall impact of players on their team’s success, with winning being a significant factor. Stay tuned for future updates on the MVP ladder as the season progresses. Don’t miss out on the exciting race for the MVP title!